
Feb 28, 2020
I want more, More of you and more of me, As we watch sunsets and breathe free, While the conversations go on, Along with the comfortable...

Dec 3, 2019
Ironic Words
It looks all quiet and orderly outside, But you don’t know the chaos forming within, Intensifying with every passing minute, Yet patient...

Nov 30, 2019
Iridescent / Irrational
She burns with desire, To do more than she does, To write words more than she believes, To create more than she thinks she can, To live a...

Oct 28, 2019
Word’s Noose
The words which once felt like a relief, Are today holding me by the noose, Because I don’t know how often they have, Hurt the ones...

Oct 19, 2019
Weight of Thoughts
Going with the flow, I hoped for the water to take away the heaviness, Of the thoughts I was holding, But everytime I wanted to not think...

Oct 15, 2019
Unknown / Unwritten
I can’t shake this feeling, I woke up this morning with, Something like butterflies, Something like birds, Which giggle until my stomach...

Sep 22, 2019
Silent Wishes
It’s 4 PM on a pretty Sunday afternoon. The sun is out for a second day in a row and the clouds are making a painting in the sky. I could...

Jun 13, 2018
Writers and Stories
There are so many writers writing their hearts out, There are so many stories waiting to be read, There are so many characters waiting to...

Mar 7, 2018
On the sidelines, Of each game, Each sport, Cheering someone, Holding a rose. Elated when the team wins, Tears when they don’t, Shouting...

Nov 2, 2017
I’ve been reading too many poems written by poets who are heartbroken in love. Each poem I read I’d either too sad for me or too...
Oct 20, 2016
Let’s see.
1st day after the exams getting over and it felt so good when I was up early this morning and I realized that I don’t have to study for...
Aug 30, 2016
Any more, he asks.
​Flattering his smile, He wants me to smile back. Asking questions with his dark eyes, He wants me to answer back. To all the questions...