
Jan 12, 2018
The moment felt like a closure, Only that it wasn’t, Turned out a circle, Another year long. The last circle, Made a tangent, Touching a...

Jan 11, 2018
The beats, The rhythm, The boost, The rhyme, The steps, The hops, The smiles, The heart, Synchronized, To either create a disaster, Or...

Jan 9, 2018
Kind Stare
I’ve written poems, Too many maybe, Or too less, I cannot decide, For people who don’t know me, Or lesser they care. I wonder if they...

Jan 8, 2018
Safe Haven
Then I looked at you, Standing amidst the crowd, In the heavy downpour, Drenching wet to the bone, And people running across from you,...

Jan 5, 2018
The longing for a person leads them to enter in your dreams uninvited, Saying and doing things possible but unexpected. Talking and...

Jan 3, 2018
Take Me Home
Take me to some place which smells neutral to me and not of coffee, flowers or candle sticks. Take me to some place where you can wear...

Jan 2, 2018
Because I haven’t got answers to questions I’ve asked, I stumble to ask you many things. Because I’m anxious to even sit still in from of...

Jan 1, 2018
I took the box out, In which all the memories of the last year is kept, Every one of them tucked in safely, From the forgetful world. As...

Dec 19, 2017
Like Minds
If like minds think alike then we definitely are unlike. Because I’m thinking about all the good days, And you tend to see how it all...

Dec 18, 2017
Those random eye contacts in the lobby, And the random nudges while passing down the hallway, The random smiles which creep up your face,...

Dec 13, 2017
We are under the same sky, In the same time zone, Seeing the same stars, Looking at the same moon, Wishing, Dreaming, Hoping, For things...

Dec 8, 2017
I used to like the way the air essenced when you were around. From morning till the late evening, the essence just wouldn’t go. And I...