
Dec 20, 2017
I think what makes us miss few moments is the fact that we cannot live them ever again. I think what makes us miss few people is the fact...

Nov 28, 2017
Have you ever realized that few things, few people are right in front of you since ever but you fail to recognize them or connect the...

Nov 27, 2017
Monday-Like People
I’ve created this thing called, Monday-like people where I describe (read sarcastically insult) people by comparing them with various...

Nov 15, 2017
I wonder, deeply, thoroughly, with all the senses active, what will happen if people agree to others opinions respectfully for once and...

Nov 4, 2017
The way you react makes a massive difference in any situation. If you want to go all guns blazing then load up the riffle and just...

Oct 25, 2017
The Boy Who Called Wolf
Dealing with the situations out of your control is the most challenging task in everyone’s life. You need to analyze it thoroughly, plan...

Oct 22, 2017
The Grapes are Sour
There’s a famous story for kids which I’m sure we all must have heard during our childhood numerous times; the story of Fox and the...
Sep 28, 2017
It feels as if things haven’t changed at all. Everything is fine and normal. But when the thoughts of what used to be and what will be in...

Sep 20, 2017
How Are You?
Some people never ask you how you’re doing. They just come to you or just text you about whatever they’re concerned with and vanish into...

Aug 25, 2017
At times I could be a warm person who would even ask a strangers if they’re okay or not when I sense something might not be right. I care...

Aug 4, 2017
Confused smiles…
Some smiles are so confusing; usually you can understand if someone is smiling genuinely or just curving their lips for the sake of a...

Aug 2, 2017
Not a Small PlaceÂ
I keep bumping into people from my past all the time. People from my school who I’ve not seen in nearly 6 years. People from coaching...