
Jan 6, 2020
Everything Led To One Thing
Everything he said led to just one thing, to not hold on to him when the night was long, cold and dark. To listen to him but not hear him...

Oct 23, 2019
Sometimes the person listening to you could be in need of a conversation so desperately that he’ll ensure that you’re comfortable talking...

Jun 8, 2019
New People
The best part of meeting new people is, They don’t know you at all. They have no idea what you like, What you hate, What you love, What...

May 3, 2019
Lovable World
Storms might be on your way, Or the calm waves of the sea, Strangers on known routes, In a life, Busy as a bee. Find peace in the sea,...

Mar 25, 2019
Thoughts and People
None of the thoughts are permanent, Just like the people in life, They come as they please, And go as per their will. None of the...

Jan 28, 2019
Unbelievable People
How do people make mistakes and then sleep over them to act as if they didn’t do anything wrong? 1. How do they sleep after putting...

Nov 10, 2018
People Have Stopped Reading My Poems
I guess people are scared, To read what I write about them. That’s why when they know me, They stop reading the poems. They’re scared to...

Oct 17, 2018
Fickle Heads
They’ll judge you for the attention you receive, They’ll blame you for not getting any too, They’ll make your anger look like fear,...

Oct 12, 2018
Few People
There are few lovely people who make life easier; To live, to deal, to experience, to accept, and to love. There are few kind people who...

May 8, 2018
A minute is a deconstruction of the combination of sixty seconds. A minute is enough to make someone’s day or not. A minute is enough to...
Apr 24, 2018
Egos bigger than bodies, Inflates with every breath, Rises with every compliment, Shadows everything nice, Destroys everything bright....

Feb 17, 2018
Deal Done
I’m done dealing with people who don’t have guts to agree to disagree. I’m done dealing with people who have too much of ego filled in...