
Aug 31, 2020
The August Story
I have hopelessly looked, At the bright sides of August, Amidst the gloomy skies, And rain falling in a continuous rhythm, To a place...

Oct 8, 2019
Everything seems obnoxious, Even in this clear blue sky, And pretty sunshine, Reflecting through your eyes. Yet, there seems a fight,...

Jun 2, 2019
Pinks and Greys
It’s like I’m living in two separate worlds, One under the pink sky, One under the grey. Under the pink sky, It’s like a picnic, Amongst...

May 10, 2019
I want someone to be obsessed with me. With the way I say a certain word. With the way I put emotions in words. With the way I get...

May 5, 2019
How do you get rid of songs, Stuck in your head? Songs which mean more than the lyrics, More than the chorus, More than the words? Songs...

Mar 12, 2019
Sad Songs
All the sad songs seem to be have written for this one moment where everything seems broken and unmendable. Each word, each lyric...

Nov 16, 2018
If the soundtrack of life is playing a R&B, The thoughts in the mind are running like the EDM. Situations rapping in a language unknown,...

Oct 30, 2018
North Star
While you read my poems, But never show, How bad they are, But you love the flow, Of the words daily, Unstoppable so far, Like sunsets on...
Sep 9, 2016
Sufi is devotional music of the Sufis. Sufi is sung for the Lord and it is often accompanied with dance in which the performers turn in...
Jun 10, 2016
In hope of a peaceful night.
As I sit now tired of all the chaos of the long day with the wind blowing my hair and the music bursting in my ears, I want to get up and...