
Mar 31, 2020
Silently she beams, Looking at the sky, As if she finally understood, The conspiracy it has been playing, From quite some time now, As it...

Mar 26, 2020
Chaand Ka Tukda
How we exist under the same sky, Yet feel so apart, Lost in the sunsets, That grow us apart, In darkness, That plays the part, Of the...

Mar 21, 2020
The Calm Breeze
It was colder than other March nights, Which had followed a tough day at work, As I stared at the stars, Concentrating on your voice, As...

Jan 11, 2020
I don’t think about you all the time now. Just 6 times a day. No more. No less. Once after I wake up. The first thought of the day with a...

Dec 1, 2019
The Greek God
He, who lives in the sanctum of my poetries, Within the oasis of hope, Defines my poetry as colors reflecting from the rainbow, As I...

Nov 6, 2019
Hazy skies, With occasional sunshine bright, Crowded streets, From the videos of some song upbeat. I see him walking amidst the...

Oct 29, 2019
i) The moment I started losing him, I realised he had made no promises to stay. But, he didn’t really go, He came back, Like rains every...

Aug 16, 2019
I’ll Never Ever Have
Maybe I’ll never ever have anyone to look at half-done paintings in a hidden art gallery in the middle of the bustling street of London....

Jun 14, 2019
Your Words
When I read out your words, Loud enough for the world to listen, They think I’m crazy to love them. That’s when I realize that, Your...

May 10, 2019
I want someone to be obsessed with me. With the way I say a certain word. With the way I put emotions in words. With the way I get...