
Dec 23, 2019
Moved On
I was going through our old photos, Most of them were yours, With a rare picture of us smiling, And I realised, That I no longer held...

Sep 8, 2019
Time out
It’s time, After 2 years, 4 months, 14 days, 11 hours, 9 minutes, 23 seconds, Later, To finally, Pack up, Memories, Photographs, Letters,...

May 11, 2019
Some evenings are the beginning of endings. Ending of over thinking thoughts. Ending of bad days. Ending of hope on certain situations....

Dec 3, 2018
The Call
I see you taking on the phone while you crossed paths with me the other day; You won’t know about it. You didn’t see me. I don’t know who...

Dec 1, 2018
Hardest/Easiest Test
It’s draining going through the same situation over and over again and not being able to learn the lesson yet. Why is it that world is...

Sep 11, 2018
Recurrent Thoughts
I often don’t know, How I’m going to get past, Through the big day ahead, And it just goes by, Waving a hand in my face, Saying goodbye....

Jan 15, 2018
Back but Ahead
I think about what you said, Back but ahead, I wonder what it means, What answers it screams. These are signs I know, Which the universe...

Dec 19, 2017
Like Minds
If like minds think alike then we definitely are unlike. Because I’m thinking about all the good days, And you tend to see how it all...

Aug 26, 2017
Not That DayÂ
One day the signs seem less obvious, the words once said don’t reveberate in your ears, the picture in your head fades away, the places...
Aug 21, 2017
The reason why I never delete the photographs of the people who were a part of my life but no longer mean anything to me is because I...