
Nov 7, 2019
Repeat after me, I deserve the best. Tell yourself, You can do it. Believe, In your actions. Stay confident, On your strongest days. Keep...

Sep 16, 2019
When you look back, And see yourself strive, From one step, To thousand miles, If everything then, Does feel alright, Then probably life...

Jun 11, 2019
A Year
A year changes so much in you. A year ago today, I didn’t know where my life would lead me to. I didn’t know how much worse it could turn...

Jul 7, 2018
More than Everyone
Everyone talks about how he made his debut, how he thrashed bowlers out of the park mercilessly, how their best moment is the six he hit...

Apr 22, 2018
Stop Thinking
I cannot stop thinking, About you, me or the universe. Each small thing, Which has I’ve ever come across. I can’t stop thinking, About...

Apr 12, 2018
Wants Of Soul
Between choosing what to do and what not, Between considering all the options laid on the table, Between today, tomorrow and the days...

Mar 8, 2018
What You Are?
What you are if you’re not who you are while you stand in front of the mirror, unappreciated of what you see, look or feel. What you are...

Feb 26, 2018
Good Monday Morning
A certain Monday morning, A good one, Can you believe? A good Monday morning, It’s not hard to believe, If you see cheerful smiles...

Feb 12, 2018
Out of The Blue (Not)
If I were to remember today, which I won’t probably, then I would remember it as the most normal day ever. Nothing, I repeat, nothing...

Nov 27, 2017
Monday-Like People
I’ve created this thing called, Monday-like people where I describe (read sarcastically insult) people by comparing them with various...

Nov 22, 2017
Do You Feel?
Do you feel lost amongst the lanes you know and the roads you take everyday, because I do. Do you feel out of place while doing things...

Nov 19, 2017
You won’t know how tough it is hold all the messed up emotions inside you. You won’t know how hard it is express them to let go. You...