
Nov 25, 2019
Everything is either so low today, Or the sky has gotten a little higher than yesterday, Which is why the clouds aren’t visible, With the...

Nov 21, 2019
Building, Not Breaking
You are not breaking because you couldn’t pedal the cycle for the first time you sat on it. You are building up to ride that cycle from...

Nov 7, 2019
Repeat after me, I deserve the best. Tell yourself, You can do it. Believe, In your actions. Stay confident, On your strongest days. Keep...

Oct 9, 2019
When it seems like you’ve the sandcastle under control, Is when a small wave silently creeps up, Starts pulling off the sand, Grain by...

Sep 16, 2019
When you look back, And see yourself strive, From one step, To thousand miles, If everything then, Does feel alright, Then probably life...

Jun 27, 2019
Finding Ways
…and on some days you can see the world move around you with you having no idea where you’ve to go or what you’ve to do. All you need on...

Jun 24, 2019
Cut Me Loose
Cut me loose, If you can’t hold, The vivid thoughts, Running wild. Cut me loose, If you can’t see, A pretty woman, Clearly inclined. Cut...

Jun 11, 2019
A Year
A year changes so much in you. A year ago today, I didn’t know where my life would lead me to. I didn’t know how much worse it could turn...

Jun 5, 2019
I feel helpless on such days. Helpless because I’ve so much hope. Helpless because I’ve so much to say. Helpless because there is so much...

May 17, 2019
Simple Letters
It’s as simple like that, One letter you craft, Without thinking much, Which makes her smile, And keeps her going the entire day,...

Apr 12, 2019
Shy Wings
When the wings are too shy, To fly even slightly high, All you need is someone to catch you, While you fall despite the try. Hold you...

Apr 2, 2019
Wants of a Dreamy Mind
The thoughts in my mind are running faster than the blood in my veins, Wanting answers to the million questions thrown at it now, Wanting...