
Jul 29, 2020
So Old
I wake up amidst the clouds today, Looming all around my home, Never has everything looked so serene, Never has everything looked so old,...

Mar 24, 2020
We keep waiting for each other, To catch up, But this time keeps us apart, In zones different. Yet, we are like mornings, For each other,...

Sep 27, 2019
Every morning should be a morning like today, With soft morning light shining through your sheer white curtains, Slow breeze making it...

Apr 10, 2019
The Perfect Morning
As the morning light shines from window, Making my white curtains look aureate, As the light breeze ruffles them, Bringing in the fresh...

Mar 23, 2018
Hopeful Morning
Then comes a morning with literal sunshine and hope, Making your forget all the ones not so hopeful, Sprinkles magic here and there,...

Oct 30, 2017
Mornings like these
I like how the season changes from hot mornings with barely no clouds in the sky to cool mornings and the skies overcast. The feeling to...

Apr 3, 2017
First Thought
What is the first thought which comes in your head when you wake up? Does that thought make you smile or just wants you to keep lying in...
Jun 27, 2016
My favorite part of the day.
Isn’t it an achievement to get up before the alarm rings on a Monday morning and that too at 4:30 am in the morning? Well, it is...