
Apr 8, 2021
Then one day, You’re free, From the anchor, That was weighing you down, And you rise, Towards the surface, Noticing every little thing,...

Dec 3, 2020
Once In A Blue Moon
Once in a blue moon, There comes a day, When you feel so defeated, Even when you nothing to gain. So breathless, Even when you’re...

Jan 19, 2020
She’s a whole mood, Like a cosy blanket on a winter morning shutting off alarm and declaring a nation wide holiday. And then, like a warm...

Nov 15, 2019
He’s a whole mood. Like hot tea on a rainy afternoon, Steaming with cosiness in the corner with a book. He’s like a whole mood. Like the...

Jul 2, 2019
Ever Exhausting
It’s exhausting, The way everything keeps happening, Constantly, Without a moment, Spare, To allow for a deep breath, Or for a moment, To...

Mar 10, 2018
Moody Souls
People often advice moody souls like me to control the mood swings otherwise it won’t be good. I don’t disagree but I don’t completely...

Feb 15, 2018
How the word upset has a combination of two positive words and yet means something which is totally disheartening and broken! Today’s...

May 17, 2017
Noise and SpaceÂ
Give me some time alone, Let my thoughts settle into peace, Allow some silence to grow, Let the anger fleece. It’s almost a terrible...

May 2, 2017
Days Like These
On days like these I feel I could just cancel my alarm and drift off the some magical sleep which never wakes me up. On days like these I...

Mar 20, 2017
Emotions of MondayÂ
A little angry, A little hungry, A little confused, A little hurt, A little jinxed, A little happy, A little scared, A little lonely, A...

Oct 17, 2016
No Blues.
I’m not going to write much today, because I’ve written a real good article in my exam today. I’ll try to recollect it as per my mood and...
Sep 7, 2016
Few minutes of frustration and the mood goes off, Few minutes of peace and the smiles are on. That’s particularly me. My mood changes...