
Jun 4, 2017
Live, Love, Let Go.
Also, you’ve to understand that you don’t have to be completely attached to someone or some moment because then you’ll be stuck forever...

May 4, 2017
Re-living the Moments
As if I can see us sitting there where they are sitting now: Before seeing them sitting in the same place as us, I never knew we would be...

Feb 18, 2017
You know, you are screwed when you do not want to think about something but you cannot stop your thoughts from thinking about it. You...
Nov 12, 2016
Remembrance and Forgetfulness.
I tell you, if you need to forget something in life, you’ll never be able to forget it until you’ve a really strong will power. And, if...
Aug 23, 2016
Fraction of a second.
Talking, smiling, laughing, Thinking, wishing and dreaming, She reached her destination. On her own path. Joking, teasing, playing,...
Aug 14, 2016
That One Thing.
Isn’t that one thing really amazing which can make you smile instantly and take away al your sadness and worries of the day? I bet, it is...
Aug 13, 2016
In your subconscious.
What is that one thing which doesn’t let you sleep in the dark hours of the night? Which is the one thing which comes to your mind when...
Aug 11, 2016
Why did I start blogging?
“Write every day. Don’t worry about it being crap, WRITE it anyway.” Forest L. This quotation is so inspirational, isn’t it? This was...
Aug 10, 2016
Bucket of Patience.
I must admit that I was a really short-tempered person some 6 years back. I don’t disagree that I don’t get angry now, but the rate a...
Aug 7, 2016
Forget it?
Why do people always say, ‘Forget It’, ‘Forget That Time’, ‘Forget This…Forget That’? Why should you forget anything? The time you spent...
Aug 3, 2016
Didn’t I say yesterday that don’t keep any expectations and you’ll be surprised with all the things life throws at you? Well, this...
Aug 2, 2016
Nothing to write.
Well, today is one of the days when I have nothing to write. I was thinking since morning about what to write tonight for the blog but,...