
Mar 17, 2021
Thoughts Or Giants
It magnifies every little thing, Making it larger than life, Glorifying the tiniest thoughts, Into some giants in a fight. So, who do I...

Oct 22, 2020
Cross Your Mind
I’ve crossed a thousand ways today, To reach where I am. But tell me if I have ever, Crossed your mind? Because it is the destination,...

Oct 12, 2020
Blooming Distantly
I walk through the trails of the forest, Collecting little yellow flowers on my way, As I follow the sound of the water falling, Under...

Aug 2, 2019
Nitti-Gritties of Mind
If I start to tell you what’s going on in this little head of mine, You’ll be surprised of the thoughts that pop up, Of the things I keep...

Apr 21, 2018
Conflicted Mind
It’s a conflicting mind, mine. Unfocused, confused and opinionated. What it wants it doesn’t know. What it needs, it’s confused about....

Nov 25, 2017
“Let’s just be lazy today and give the body and mind some rest,” says the heart. “That’s a great idea. Oh, and can we do some day...

Sep 23, 2017
No Idea
I wait, wait and wait, for an idea to strike so that I can accomplish the daily ritual of writing my blog but the idea seems to have got...

Aug 12, 2017
Saw You
I thought I saw you today. Not once, but twice. First, it were the eyes which made me think that we’re almost a few feet apart. But, they...
Aug 5, 2017
I want to scream, loud, loud, loud. Listen to all the love songs, loud, loud, loud. Write poems dreamily and say them, loud, loud, loud....
May 14, 2017
Not A Fun Day
It’s a chaos in my head, A mess of ideas, A jumble of thoughts, A corner full of plans, Centralized on the idea of wearing pyjamas the...

Apr 13, 2017
The mind is pacing faster than the music it is hearing, The eyes scamming algorithms unknown to the mind, How tough it is to stare into...

Mar 1, 2017
Let it Fly
Let the mind roar, The thoughts and desires, Let it wander the lands unseen. Let it make memories, Inspiring and empowering, Helping at...