
Oct 18, 2017
Lilliputs in my Head
My head hurts. It feels like some Lilliputians are hammering my head from within for an escape from the scattered and redundant thoughts....

Oct 16, 2017
A Better Picture
And we promised to click a better picture, Of standing us aside, Should we just go for it, Or let the universe decide? Seems like the...

Sep 26, 2017
There are stars in me, twinkling, shining, burning in a rhythmic way, making me feel alive, giving me the boost and confidence to keep on...

Sep 21, 2017
There are some days when you just want to cuddle in your favorite blanket, eat good food, watch a cricket match and do absolutely...

Sep 6, 2017
Everything is more connected with us in a much stronger way than we believe. At times you might not even know about the connection until...

Jul 23, 2017
The wind is whistling outside my window, Urging me to let it in. But, no. As much I love my hair flying wild, I don’t like being...

Jul 11, 2017
The wind gushing outside my window, The pitter patter of rain on the glass, The shadows of trees dancing in my room, Makes me believe I’m...

Jun 30, 2017
Hamba KahleÂ
There have been too many send offs. Some expected, some unexpected. Some valid, some invalid. Some necessary, some unnecessary. All of...

Jun 15, 2017
Sometimes you don’t really understand the amount of time you are investing in something until it gets over. It’s the same with people. In...

Jun 11, 2017
The grief is finding it’s way back, How does it know every time that something is about to end? Who sends an invite to him along with...
May 26, 2017
Dew Drops
For if you may say, The dew drops looked pretty, Resting on the the perfectly bloomed petals, Little did anyone know, That the fairy had...

Apr 14, 2017
Thorns as Roses
You cannot always love yourself. Sometimes you need someone who also feels that you’re lovable. It’s not always that you’ll be strong to...