
Nov 9, 2019
Fragile / Fierce
My heart was broken years ago, For the first time, Not because I fell in love, But because I didn’t realise that someone can break it in...

Oct 30, 2019
Not The End
It just doesn’t end like this. You, Me, Us, We. This. Whatever this is. You met me in the middle of winter last year. Just when the birds...

Oct 11, 2019
Exisiting Reasons
The bells are ringing somewhere, I know, I can hear them. Unknown to the fact, That the bells are just my heart beats, Throbbing for...

Aug 5, 2019
Things All Magical
His eyes sparkle like galaxies, His aftershave whiffs of freshly cut grass, His mouth tastes like fresh flowers, His lips making the...

Jul 15, 2019
Long Way Together
Give me your shoulders to hold on to, As the unannounced storm hits us, Let me soak in the fragrance of your shampoo, As your hair blows...

May 10, 2019
I want someone to be obsessed with me. With the way I say a certain word. With the way I put emotions in words. With the way I get...

Apr 27, 2019
The Words Demanded
Today the words demanded new, Poetry, place and person, To be drafted into verses, To be saved into notes, To be read when sad, To be...

Apr 25, 2019
Back Then
I go back and read the old poetries I wrote, Some for you, Some for us both, Everyone of them says just one thing, It all happened for a...

Apr 19, 2019
8 Knives
The first knife hits hard on the heart. Jolting me backwards, To a pain that I’d already seen coming. The second knife is expected. I...

Apr 6, 2019
The Special Someone
I missed how it felt on after an exhausting day, Wrapped up in your arms, As the late night breeze, Blew my hair and thoughts away. I...

Mar 22, 2019
3rd Day Of Summer
On the third day of summer, I whisper sweet nothings in your ear, While lying on the fresh green grass, Under cotton candy clouds,...

Mar 18, 2019
The Path
I’m walking on a path, With daisies and peonies, Just below the fluffy clouds, Floating in the bright blue sky, But the mist in the air,...