
Oct 8, 2020
Songs To Sway
The songs I listen, Make me sway, In a rhythm, Leading me on a new way, As my steps follow, Directions as the lyrics say, Simply in this...

Sep 25, 2020
Stuck On A Song
Even if it were, Just the songs today, I smiled because, They reminded me of you someway. image from pexels. #writing #playlist #song...

Jun 29, 2020
Sunset Lyrics
Then the sunset reminds me of lyrics, Of songs I know by heart, Sung in lanes of distant cities, Making me believe, That this might just...

Jul 7, 2019
Messing Up
I can craft words into poems, Beautifully I know. I can be the sun, On a rainy day, This too, I know. What I also know, Is that I mess it...

Mar 12, 2019
Sad Songs
All the sad songs seem to be have written for this one moment where everything seems broken and unmendable. Each word, each lyric...

Jun 13, 2018
Writers and Stories
There are so many writers writing their hearts out, There are so many stories waiting to be read, There are so many characters waiting to...