
Aug 2, 2018
Baader Meinhof Phenomenon
The name of the local band, Whose song is stuck in your head, Pops up unknowingly at random places. Information about the place you’re...

May 9, 2018
See You
I realised just now what he really meant when he had said see you that day. He meant he would see me while I sit near the bleachers...

Jan 16, 2018
When I wore grey this morning, My mother asked me why, I just looked at the sky, It was no different than what I wore. The sky being dull...

Jan 2, 2018
Because I haven’t got answers to questions I’ve asked, I stumble to ask you many things. Because I’m anxious to even sit still in from of...

Nov 7, 2017
Apogee and Perigee
Even if you are some six and a half thousand kilometers away, you seem close today. As if you are the moon in it’s position of perigee...