
Oct 14, 2020
Do you remember our conversations? Because I do. Every one of them. But, I think you’ll remember this one. 14th October, last year, we...

Sep 29, 2020
Losing Love
I sometimes think, That I’m losing, That part of me, Responsible to love, With every passing day, For I don’t remember, How to hold on,...

Mar 13, 2020
Until The Stars Fade
His dark eyes reflect the light, Of the stars blinking million light years away, As we sit under the dark twinkling sky, Away from the...

Feb 17, 2020
He walks by the streets, Covered in the canopy of new leaves, Each step in sync, With the music that he’s listening. She stops herself...

Nov 5, 2019
Glass Doors
2 glass doors, See through, A lift door, Does it even work who knew. Then how random was it, When it opened as you, Stood in there...

Oct 30, 2019
Not The End
It just doesn’t end like this. You, Me, Us, We. This. Whatever this is. You met me in the middle of winter last year. Just when the birds...

Aug 2, 2018
Baader Meinhof Phenomenon
The name of the local band, Whose song is stuck in your head, Pops up unknowingly at random places. Information about the place you’re...

Jul 15, 2018
She let her hair down, To let him up, Until one day, When he yanked them hard. Yet she braided them everyday, Waiting for him to go. She...

Jul 5, 2018
Out of a Book
A loud sound waking her up, A flash by the window a second later, A shadow appearing then, This is not a story out of a book. The window...

Apr 14, 2018
I don’t want to listen to any more stories, There are too many of them in me already, Waiting to whisper, talk or scream, The memories of...

Apr 9, 2018
It’s almost like a late reaction, Of a drug so infamous, To take you to extreme heights, Higher than the highest, Making you feel,...

Sep 17, 2017
Who’s This?
Your name and your number is just a contact in my phone list. Neither can I call it, nor send a message. It won’t reach, will it now?...