
Apr 26, 2021
In Betweens
I’m lost somewhere, In between the pages I write poetries on. The ones you read, And the ones I hide from you. In between your letters,...

Mar 30, 2021
So Lost
I see everyone, Being brave today, And everyday, Just carrying on, Living one day at a time. Then, why don’t I, Feel the same vibe, That...

Jun 11, 2020
Obnoxious Pragmatism
I’m at loss of words, For the obnoxious way, The universe deals with it’s pragmatism, Of leading up to a moment, Only to be knocked off,...

Jun 28, 2019
Finding Ways – Part 2
On days when you want to dig a hole in the earth and stay there until everything ends is when you have to stand facing the sun and act as...

Jun 27, 2019
Finding Ways
…and on some days you can see the world move around you with you having no idea where you’ve to go or what you’ve to do. All you need on...

Mar 6, 2018
At one point it became somewhat confusing of what I was actually feeling. It wasn’t the feeling of sadness when you wait for something to...