
Aug 18, 2020
On some days, It is really too hard to say, All the words that I want to, Which is why they remain unsaid, Defeated in the bottom of my...

Mar 8, 2020
You’re Losing Her
You’ve no idea who you’re losing. You’re losing a soul who only knows how to love despairingly. To anyone and everyone who’s heart...

Jun 25, 2019
Epic Fail
It’s been an epic fail, The last few days, Trying, cajoling, patiently, For a smirk, a smile, a little bit of laughter too maybe. Now I...

Aug 14, 2018
Memoir of Places and People
I keep going back to places, Where meetings were light, Long walks while holding hands, In the nooks of the night. Whispering jokes, That...

Jul 9, 2018
They leave mark, On your skin and heart, Like rewards of loving them. They leave the pain, Of blood and soreness, Aching profoundly, The...

May 31, 2018
Act of Bravery
Why sometimes we cannot just give up, Why do we need to keep fighting, The wars we no longer care for, When the outcome may not be worth...

Sep 29, 2017
Writer’s Block & Friday
It is hard to believe that this week flew away like a feather flies when a strong breeze blows. The time seems like a phenomenon which is...
Sep 28, 2017
It feels as if things haven’t changed at all. Everything is fine and normal. But when the thoughts of what used to be and what will be in...

Sep 22, 2017
Time and Pain
The time feels so expansive today, so vast, so meaningful and meaningless at the same time. The pain demanded to be felt today, brutally,...

Jul 1, 2017
Too Many Questions
It is said that focus on the controllable and let go of the things which you cannot control. But, do you know how hard it is to let go of...

Feb 2, 2017
What’s stopping you?
Your head is filled with ideas yet I don’t know what is stopping you from making them into reality. Not one, not two, infinite. Yet, you...