
May 29, 2021
Kabir and Samaira
“How do you know what I want?” “I like to believe that I know you.” “Do you? Know me?” “I know that you don’t like aisle seats on planes,...

Nov 19, 2020
This has been the mood of the day, D I S T R A C T I O N From everything. As if I’ve been living in a fog, T R Y I N G To find clarity....

Nov 8, 2020
Olfactory Bulbs & Memories
They say the Olfactory bulbs process the smells and fragrances to carry it to the Amygdala where emotions are processed and then to the...

Nov 5, 2020
Untitled / Unended
Beeti hui baato ko, Kyun hum gale se lagaye? Aur ittefaq se jude raasto ko, Kaise hum bhoolte jaaye? Woh dil se kiye vaado ko, Yunhi...

Oct 31, 2020
Fast Lane
We all want to drive in the fast lane of life, Rushing everything, And everyone for work to happen. For things to get done. For life to...

Sep 18, 2020
We are living in these moments, Of In-Betweens, Going from one point to another, On a journey, To a place unknown to us. Meeting fellow...

Feb 24, 2018
I didn’t realize then, when a certain thing happened opposite to my wish that it had happened for a good reason. I sulked and didn’t...

Oct 21, 2017
Do you worry? I guess you do. About one thing or hundreds each day, all day long. I worry too. I don’t know about what. But, I do; each...