
Aug 12, 2020
Not A Rom-Com
Life looked like a rom-com movie today, Where the whole world is drenching in rain, And the sun is shining only on me, As I dance my way...

Aug 9, 2020
Letters To The Future
I’ve written letters to my future self, To tell her how much a certain day, A certain someone mattered to me, In that moment how...

Aug 8, 2020
In Motion
Everything is a result of, An action set in motion, Leading one thing, To infinite other things, Creating this never-ending, Domino...

Aug 5, 2020
On A Busy Day
On a busy day, I remember conversations, In the middle of the client meeting, Exactly word to word, As it happened on an afternoon in...

Jul 2, 2020
The sun will keep on rising, The time will keep on ticking, Work will forever be pending, What I want you to do is, Sometimes, pause,...

Jun 23, 2020
Hold Me Close
Hold me closely, Somewhere I will feel safe, Amidst this chaos that we everyday face. Hold me closely, In your arms, For this world needs...

Jun 9, 2020
Angry Words
You read these words, As and how they mean, Literally on somedays, Cryptic with hidden messages on others. You think, they’re just that,...

Jun 3, 2020
In Good Times & Bad
You find him when you fall apart, He’s the one who knows your art, You find him when things work out, He’s the one who celebrates it out...

Jun 2, 2020
Players Of The Same Team
They say the same thing; Different words, But same meanings, Where one stands wrong, Usually the only one, The others form strong,...

Jun 1, 2020
Every day I carry, These words with me to you, Through the seasons of the year, Through the phases of the moon, Through the elements of...

May 17, 2020
Hold On / Let Go
The smart thing to do often is, To let go, Of the thought, That’s holding you down, And experience the weightlessness, It leaves you...

May 16, 2020
Can’t Figure
I can’t really figure, Why I said the things I said, Not that I didn’t want you to know, About the things that make me, me. I can’t...