
Mar 13, 2017
Zoning Out.
Do you ever snap out of the minutes which are ticking by and enter into a world where time doesn’t really matter? Sometimes there’s...

Mar 12, 2017
The best sellerÂ
​The situations seem so unbelievable, As if we are enacting a scene, Right out of a best seller book. The perfect weather, setting and...

Mar 10, 2017
Don’t (Let Go)Â
​I often think of giving up on you and letting you go. Letting go was something I did not understand before and was unable to do it too....

Mar 8, 2017
Oh, strong girl.Â
When you close your eyes you wish that you were not where you are right now and pray for some miracle to happen and take you at a beach...

Mar 7, 2017
Constant ConnectivityÂ
I wonder what made the world like it is now. We all are connected to our family and friends at every hour of the day. Our phones are...

Mar 4, 2017
Are you happy?Â
​How we say that we are happy when we are not. We lie and smile to the world by saying, it’s okay, all’s well or being optimistic about...

Feb 28, 2017
A note before you judge me
​If you’re judging me on the validations of someone else, then, I’m sorry to say that you don’t know me completely. If you’re judging me...

Feb 27, 2017
9 ¾
​I guess I’m on the wrong platform, I should be on the 9 ¾. The train to my dreams might be leaving, For the magical school thereafter. I...
Feb 26, 2017
People Talk
If you do something wrong, they talk about you. If you do something right, they talk about you. If you don’t do anything, they are still...

Feb 25, 2017
Boxes and LinesÂ
​Constricted yet out going, Crashing the walls of her mind, Thinking out of the line. Because, everyone’s thing out of the box, yeah? She...

Feb 24, 2017
Only If Time Could Slow DownÂ
​Seeing all the events occurring in the world, I wish I could pause the time for a while. To analyze, to understand, to grasp, to...

Feb 22, 2017
Old memories
​The unsettled air, The dust flying, The smell of old memories. The echoing laughter, The silly pranks, The visions of old memories. The...