
Nov 24, 2020
I cannot. Do this. Over and over again. Yet, I believe. I haven’t found. The real reason. Of why I started this in the first place. image...

Nov 23, 2020
Hope is often I live on, Believe on, Breathe on, Dream on. Hope is often I lose on, Defeat on, Deny on, Cry on. Yet hope is all I want to...

Nov 22, 2020
Too Many
I’ve too many thoughts in my head, Waiting to be turned into poetries, Only if you won’t mind, Me writing about you. I’ve too many...

Nov 19, 2020
This has been the mood of the day, D I S T R A C T I O N From everything. As if I’ve been living in a fog, T R Y I N G To find clarity....

Nov 16, 2020
So Far
Today I feel, I’ve come so far, Far from where I started this year. Yet, it feels, I’m stuck at the same place, Stuck where I left myself...

Nov 15, 2020
Don’t the words, In books, movies and songs, Seem to hit you harder and stronger, With the ability to take advantage, Of your...

Nov 5, 2020
Untitled / Unended
Beeti hui baato ko, Kyun hum gale se lagaye? Aur ittefaq se jude raasto ko, Kaise hum bhoolte jaaye? Woh dil se kiye vaado ko, Yunhi...

Nov 1, 2020
Cosmic Phenomena
The chaos in the world seems so insignificant, When I stare the rising moon, And the setting sun, As if everything will happen, At its...

Oct 31, 2020
Fast Lane
We all want to drive in the fast lane of life, Rushing everything, And everyone for work to happen. For things to get done. For life to...

Oct 24, 2020
Valleys Of Thoughts
I’m tired of wandering, In the valleys of my thoughts, Come rescue me, I think I’m a little lost. Bring with you, A map or two, To find a...

Oct 7, 2020
I think I just lost, Another day, Of my life, Dreaming of what could happened, Instead of actually being able, To live it really. So,...

Oct 1, 2020
I keep anticipating, Hopelessly each day, That the sun might have, Some good news to say. But, I am, Stranded all alone, Every hour of...