
Sep 5, 2017
That DayÂ
Holding my eyes for a second too long, smiling a little too wide. These are the two things which made me fall in love with you that day....

Sep 3, 2017
The mind is full of clutter, Clutter full of thoughts, It wants to do somethings, Or just bail out. It needs to go to new places, But...
Sep 1, 2017
One day we’ll meet again. Maybe you don’t expect that we might meet but, I expect that I’ll meet you again. Then, I might feel like we...
Aug 29, 2017
Time passes very slowly or just paces off way too quickly without letting us a chance to blink for a second. Time is a tough thing to...

Aug 28, 2017
All you feel at times is alone despite being surrounded by so many inspiring and motivational people. All you want to do sometimes is be...

Aug 27, 2017
Some days have challenges of their own to be dealt in their own way, without an option to give up or to think even for a second of what...

Aug 26, 2017
Not That DayÂ
One day the signs seem less obvious, the words once said don’t reveberate in your ears, the picture in your head fades away, the places...

Aug 25, 2017
At times I could be a warm person who would even ask a strangers if they’re okay or not when I sense something might not be right. I care...

Aug 23, 2017
She wears her heart on her sleeve, Giving it to strangers helplessly, She is obsessed with the idea of being in love, Dreaming of living...

Aug 22, 2017
The land elongates the distance by miles and kilometers, by sun and rain, by you and me. The maps cuts the distance short. At least, the...
Aug 21, 2017
The reason why I never delete the photographs of the people who were a part of my life but no longer mean anything to me is because I...

Aug 20, 2017
If the freedom fighters never initiated the rebellion for the freedom, we would still be getting ruled by some viceroy. #writing...