
Oct 8, 2017
The beep beep beep noise of the rickshaw turning blasts in my ears along with the honking of the various vehicles on the road. It sounds...

Oct 5, 2017
It’s been a long, tiring and interesting day today. I’ve shot/been a part of 2 videos for class assignments even though I’m very camera...

Oct 2, 2017
Gut Feeling
I believe in my instincts and follow my gut feeling almost every time; which often times is correct. The feeling after following your gut...

Oct 1, 2017
It is so difficult to understand one’s happiness until you’ve been in the same situation before. Similarly, it is extremely difficult to...
Sep 30, 2017
Take MeÂ
I want to go to someplace new, Explore nooks and corners, Make memories few, Click moments and sunsets too, Take me somewhere I’ve never...

Sep 29, 2017
Writer’s Block & Friday
It is hard to believe that this week flew away like a feather flies when a strong breeze blows. The time seems like a phenomenon which is...

Sep 25, 2017
Unanswered Questions
You might think that answering questions of a two year old kid is easy and doesn’t need much logic. But, how do you explain to him why a...

Sep 24, 2017
There are little bubbles of happiness floating around you, waiting to burst and spread a smile across your face. Sometimes, those little...

Sep 23, 2017
No Idea
I wait, wait and wait, for an idea to strike so that I can accomplish the daily ritual of writing my blog but the idea seems to have got...

Sep 22, 2017
Time and Pain
The time feels so expansive today, so vast, so meaningful and meaningless at the same time. The pain demanded to be felt today, brutally,...

Sep 21, 2017
There are some days when you just want to cuddle in your favorite blanket, eat good food, watch a cricket match and do absolutely...

Sep 20, 2017
How Are You?
Some people never ask you how you’re doing. They just come to you or just text you about whatever they’re concerned with and vanish into...