
May 16, 2021
I wait for you like the sand in the desert waits for the rain. I wait for you like the parched earth waits for a weed to grow. I wait for...

Jan 25, 2021
Ocean / River
On days like this, You wonder how you, Hold so many emotions, Contained in you. On days like this, Remember that you, Hold it the same...

Jan 19, 2021
Dying Star
If the stars are the opportunities, Then why does one die right in front of me, When I gather my courage, To start a universe around it?...

Dec 15, 2020
Short Of Breath
I take a deep breath, And cannon ball into the bay, Swimming to the deep end, Of the ocean again today. The corals dance, The fishes play...

Dec 14, 2020
All In Metaphor
The sky is too overcast, For a December morning, But it reflects the vibe, Of my cloudy mind. As I drive through, On a familiar road, To...

Oct 26, 2020
Saturn’s Laughter
There’s this planet, Staring at me through the window, From light years away. Not just staring, But laughing even. As if it’s plan...

May 22, 2020
This Thought
This thought doesn’t leave me ever, It thinks that it’s smart, Like that excited little kid, Hiding behind the curtain, With it’s feet...

Jan 27, 2020
I’ve all my words haywired today, Might have dropped some on the way too, If you found them talking to you, Tell them I want them to stay...

Jun 27, 2019
Finding Ways
…and on some days you can see the world move around you with you having no idea where you’ve to go or what you’ve to do. All you need on...

May 5, 2018
World Is Moving
The whole world is moving, Then why am I stuck where I am? Doesn’t the laws, Of rotation and revolution, Apply to me? Or is it just, The...

Apr 9, 2018
It’s almost like a late reaction, Of a drug so infamous, To take you to extreme heights, Higher than the highest, Making you feel,...

Mar 5, 2018
The stars twinkle back, The moon illuminates from being a cresent, The waves rush back to the shore, The pendulum swings back and forth,...