
Oct 9, 2019
When it seems like you’ve the sandcastle under control, Is when a small wave silently creeps up, Starts pulling off the sand, Grain by...

Sep 16, 2019
When you look back, And see yourself strive, From one step, To thousand miles, If everything then, Does feel alright, Then probably life...

Jun 5, 2019
I feel helpless on such days. Helpless because I’ve so much hope. Helpless because I’ve so much to say. Helpless because there is so much...

May 8, 2019
Bluer Than Her Blues
She thought nothing could be as gloomy as her mood in the morning, Then she looked at the sky filled with clouds, Not dark, but white,...

Apr 12, 2019
Shy Wings
When the wings are too shy, To fly even slightly high, All you need is someone to catch you, While you fall despite the try. Hold you...

Apr 2, 2019
Wants of a Dreamy Mind
The thoughts in my mind are running faster than the blood in my veins, Wanting answers to the million questions thrown at it now, Wanting...

Mar 18, 2019
The Path
I’m walking on a path, With daisies and peonies, Just below the fluffy clouds, Floating in the bright blue sky, But the mist in the air,...
Mar 13, 2019
My eyes are dripping of sleep, That’s how tired my body is, Enduring the beginning of summer, Which will last longer than intended,...

Feb 9, 2019
An instinctive mind, A conscious soul, With a vulnerable heart, Lost in this world, Mess is all, You can assume her to be, But she’s...

Jan 26, 2019
Think Again
On nights when you can’t rhyme, Think again, Does it need a scheme to sound good? On evenings when you can’t chime, Think again, Do you...

Dec 4, 2018
49th Tuesday Of 2018
Did you get up in the morning tired? Did you think about how many more days you’ve to get up early this week and go to work until...

Oct 25, 2018
Essentials 5
It’s not the big moments which make life memorable but the collection of the little things which lead up to create a better life. And my...