
Jun 21, 2018
The Fault In Our Stars
We’d been doing this since a long time, Me, writing poems, You, listening, Under the blanket of stars, Each night, Like a ritual. What...

May 21, 2018
Chair and the Scenery
I sit on my old chair today, By the window, Looking at the city lights, Shining so bright that my eyes hurt looking at them. I like the...

Apr 14, 2018
I don’t want to listen to any more stories, There are too many of them in me already, Waiting to whisper, talk or scream, The memories of...

Apr 9, 2018
It’s almost like a late reaction, Of a drug so infamous, To take you to extreme heights, Higher than the highest, Making you feel,...

Apr 6, 2018
We Were Ephemeral
If we knew we were ephemeral, We would have probably spoken a little earlier, A little longer, A little more than necessary, Sharing...

Mar 31, 2018
Another Day
Another day goes by, Another evening helpless, Another afternoon silent much, Another morning gone, Yet no signs of you again, No trace...

Mar 16, 2018
I’ve this weird bubble in me, Filled with thoughts of grief and uncertainty, Of yesterday, today and tomorrow, Having said that, The...

Mar 6, 2018
At one point it became somewhat confusing of what I was actually feeling. It wasn’t the feeling of sadness when you wait for something to...

Mar 5, 2018
The stars twinkle back, The moon illuminates from being a cresent, The waves rush back to the shore, The pendulum swings back and forth,...

Jan 5, 2018
The longing for a person leads them to enter in your dreams uninvited, Saying and doing things possible but unexpected. Talking and...

Dec 30, 2017
This Day, That Year
This day, that year was so high on emotions, feelings and heart break on so many different levels. This day, that year made me realize...

Dec 19, 2017
Like Minds
If like minds think alike then we definitely are unlike. Because I’m thinking about all the good days, And you tend to see how it all...