
Mar 13, 2021
Hurt Me Now
I think I’m ready now, To get hurt, By anything and anyone in the universe, For I think there are yet, Worse things waiting to happen....

Mar 10, 2021
Just The Knee
For the fourth time, I hurt my knee again today. At the same spot, ironic, I say! So, even though I am twenty something today, I went to...

Jan 12, 2021
People Moments and Places
Sometimes, we give the best pieces of our heart to people, moments and places, unknowingly, accidently or with intent. Only to be left...

Nov 18, 2020
It Is What It Is
It was like that moment, When you can’t believe, The words printed on the book. And you either have to re-read it, Again and again to...

Oct 28, 2019
Word’s Noose
The words which once felt like a relief, Are today holding me by the noose, Because I don’t know how often they have, Hurt the ones...

Aug 23, 2019
Of Friends & Not
I remember how easily I told you about how my heart ached for love, for warmth, for an embrace. How, then, I remember you easily used it...

May 31, 2019
Truth Lies
Tell me, Why do you hurt me, The way you hurt me, With your eyes lying, And your words speaking, Of truths, We don’t deserve to listen....

Mar 5, 2019
People and Their Hurt
Sometimes the closer you get to people, The easier you give them a chance to hurt you. Sometimes the easier you open up to people, The...

Dec 5, 2018
Meaningless Rhymes
Sometimes you’re done being brave the entire day, That at night, you just let your guard down, And when the tears come flowing, You don’t...

Nov 3, 2018
Reality Hurts
When truth strikes, When words bite, When facts objectify, When time subsides, When memories reconcile, Reality hurts. Image. #writing...

Aug 7, 2018
Why do I care?
It hurts me to impeccable depths, Things said and unsaid, Tones of voices and shades blue, Why do I care when you don’t do? It hurts me...

Apr 29, 2018
What hurts more, The pain in your toe, After you get hit by a door, Or the pieces of your heart, Shredded multiple times, By someone that...