
May 21, 2019
The Leap
Leap of faith, Or leap of fear, I couldn’t decide, So I just leapt, Hoping I won’t drown, In the sinkhole, Of self doubt, And...

Aug 10, 2018
One Saros Cycle
I can’t overlook him, He’s the shining sun, Booming with love. An eclipse of distance, Shadows the star, Blocking all the smiles. One...

Jul 29, 2018
Conspirational Universe
One dot connects to the next, With links extremely strong, Seems like a fool proof plan, A message for me; but what? The signs...

Jul 28, 2018
Algorithm Of The Universe
The algorithm between the universe and me, Seems broken. Because it shows me sings of you and me, Somehow together. You favourite song...

Apr 20, 2018
prosopagnosia noun · Psychiatry the inability to recognize the faces of familiar people, typically as a result of damage to the brain....