
Nov 21, 2019
Building, Not Breaking
You are not breaking because you couldn’t pedal the cycle for the first time you sat on it. You are building up to ride that cycle from...

Oct 29, 2019
i) The moment I started losing him, I realised he had made no promises to stay. But, he didn’t really go, He came back, Like rains every...

Aug 23, 2019
Of Friends & Not
I remember how easily I told you about how my heart ached for love, for warmth, for an embrace. How, then, I remember you easily used it...

Nov 17, 2018
Heart On The Sleeve
It seems so difficult for someone who has her heart on her sleeve every time to find true love. Each time she meets someone, she thinks,...

Nov 3, 2018
Reality Hurts
When truth strikes, When words bite, When facts objectify, When time subsides, When memories reconcile, Reality hurts. Image. #writing...

Jul 20, 2018
Pain in the chest, Right in the middle, Reports all normal, Then why does it hurt so much? Maybe because it has an empty space, To fill...

May 24, 2018
Guessing- Heart
I guess my heart can break from the million pieces it has already been broken into. I guess it has to do with the fact that I always wear...

May 1, 2018
You’ve to fill in every gap, After you collect all the pieces, Of your heart, With something so strong, That it is almost impossible, To...