Oct 31, 2016
The boy without a cracker but a smile on his face.
Last night as I was unable to sleep because of the loud noises of the bursting of the firecrackers by someone in my locality, I decided...
Sep 9, 2016
Sufi is devotional music of the Sufis. Sufi is sung for the Lord and it is often accompanied with dance in which the performers turn in...
Aug 14, 2016
That One Thing.
Isn’t that one thing really amazing which can make you smile instantly and take away al your sadness and worries of the day? I bet, it is...
Aug 7, 2016
Forget it?
Why do people always say, ‘Forget It’, ‘Forget That Time’, ‘Forget This…Forget That’? Why should you forget anything? The time you spent...
Jun 24, 2016
Calm & Happiness.
When I got up this morning and switched off my alarm, I wished if it hadn’t rung this morning. I was so lazy to get up that I snoozed it...