
Dec 28, 2017
It’s good to be good if you feel good after doing good. A few people reflect the goodness in them in this cruel world and the...

Jun 8, 2017
A deity
We often come across certain people in life who seem more like a deity rather than normal human beings. They are so humble, generous,...

May 1, 2017
I’m that kind of a person who gets obsessed with books. If I finish reading a book and I really really like it, it becomes difficult for...
Dec 15, 2016
Well, I was thinking to write a poem but couldn’t find enough inspiration or an idea to write one. Happens, sometimes. I’m too sleepy...
Nov 9, 2016
The World has Changed.
The 8th and 9th of November, 2016 saw two of the drastic changes in the world. The first change was for the peninsula country of India...

Oct 17, 2016
No Blues.
I’m not going to write much today, because I’ve written a real good article in my exam today. I’ll try to recollect it as per my mood and...

Sep 17, 2016
Surprises and Unexpectedness.
The moment I got up I knew that today is not going to be a normal day. It is going to be different in some or the other sense. As the day...
Sep 7, 2016
Few minutes of frustration and the mood goes off, Few minutes of peace and the smiles are on. That’s particularly me. My mood changes...
Aug 25, 2016
She’s changed.
“There she stood, looking at herself in the mirror and not recognizing her own self. Time really changed her.” She’s changed a lot from...
Aug 17, 2016
Remember in school where we were taught about good habits and bad? How long it has been since we learnt them? But, we do remember all of...
Aug 14, 2016
That One Thing.
Isn’t that one thing really amazing which can make you smile instantly and take away al your sadness and worries of the day? I bet, it is...
Aug 1, 2016
I jumped off the train!
Caution: Do not attempt this act. It could cause you harm. No, it’s not a suicide! It is raining incessantly in Mumbai since last few...