
Dec 18, 2017
Those random eye contacts in the lobby, And the random nudges while passing down the hallway, The random smiles which creep up your face,...

Dec 13, 2017
We are under the same sky, In the same time zone, Seeing the same stars, Looking at the same moon, Wishing, Dreaming, Hoping, For things...

Dec 8, 2017
I used to like the way the air essenced when you were around. From morning till the late evening, the essence just wouldn’t go. And I...

Dec 7, 2017
She stand by the basin mirror, Looking at my morning face; Small, bare, wheat-ish toned. The veins on the side of my forehead, Glow with...

Dec 2, 2017
One Other Day
Today is that one other day when I cannot find any inspiration to write. Today is one other day where I miss people who are not missing...

Nov 27, 2017
Monday-Like People
I’ve created this thing called, Monday-like people where I describe (read sarcastically insult) people by comparing them with various...

Nov 26, 2017
Don’t blame me for the things I haven’t done. Don’t accuse me of the problems I haven’t created. Don’t criticise me if you don’t know my...

Nov 24, 2017
Who said continuous criticism would make people do better work and not demotivate them from what they are already doing? Who said...

Nov 22, 2017
Do You Feel?
Do you feel lost amongst the lanes you know and the roads you take everyday, because I do. Do you feel out of place while doing things...

Nov 19, 2017
You won’t know how tough it is hold all the messed up emotions inside you. You won’t know how hard it is express them to let go. You...

Sep 12, 2017
Bottom of my HeartÂ
I clench my fist to make an imaginary ball of anger buried in the nooks and corners of my bones. I make an imaginary ball of the things I...

Sep 10, 2017
A Miss
The idea, The excitement to make it happen, The energy, The efforts, The thrill of an adventure, Is a miss. #writing #routine #writer...