
Mar 25, 2019
Thoughts and People
None of the thoughts are permanent, Just like the people in life, They come as they please, And go as per their will. None of the...

Mar 24, 2019
The Book Life
A walk around the town, While the summer sun sets in the west, I think how a certain scenario would be perfect, Only if it happened with...

Mar 24, 2019
The Missing Feeling
This is the feeling of missing something. Something close to the heart. Something which keeps the mind from breaking apart. Something...

Mar 23, 2019
Edition 12 – Indian Premier League
In the last 12 years, Indian Premier League has been the tournament that has not only set standards for international cricket but also...

Mar 21, 2019
World Poetry Day 2019
Poetry is more than a series of rhyming words expressing something you can’t say it out loud. Poetry is more than the feelings you feel,...

Mar 20, 2019
Losing & Winning
Weighing my options, I step in the game, To rescue someone, From deep, deep pain. I know where each turn leads me to, Every step, closer...

Mar 17, 2019
Poetry and Inspiration
If words came as naturally as the heart beats, Imagine the flood of poetry in the world! Everyone believing in love a little more,...

Mar 15, 2019
I’ve written some intimidating stuff. So much intimidating that sometimes, I’m surprised by my own poetry. It’s scary to know that I’m...

Mar 14, 2019
It’s annoying to feel a certain way on certain days. Annoying because it’s tiring to smile until your cheeks hurt. Annoying because it’s...

Mar 12, 2019
Sad Songs
All the sad songs seem to be have written for this one moment where everything seems broken and unmendable. Each word, each lyric...

Mar 11, 2019
Bittersweet Memories
The setting moon, The cool breeze, I sit by the ocean, Breathing deep, The saltiness of the air, Or the tears on my cheek, The cold sand...

Mar 6, 2019
GPS of Life
I look up to see how everyone is holding up against the demons they’re facing in their lives. It fascinates me how they could read a map...