
Aug 15, 2020
Not Right
There was this feeling, In the pit of my stomach last night, Something like a fear, Something like a bad vibe, Something is wrong,...

Aug 7, 2020
It’s been 5 months, Since my room smelled like you, A little like your aftershave, A little like your perfume. So, now when you walk back...

Aug 6, 2020
Dead Emotions
He asks me, How can someone, Write something, So astonishing? How can someone, Fathom the words, Framed them in phrases, That strain at...

Jul 30, 2020
Right Person
Sometimes the right person comes into your life, At the right time, To stay, Until the timing is not right anymore. Sometimes, it lasts...

Jul 28, 2020
100 Wishes
When the lights go dimmer, And the air feels cooler, The room feels emptier, The heart lonelier, I wish for a 100 things to go right, But...

Jul 24, 2020
Too Good At Goodbyes
Tell me if you don’t need me anymore, I won’t say a word, I’ll leave. If all the things you loved about me, Make you cringe now, Tell me,...

Jul 23, 2020
I Can’t Write
I don’t think I can write today, Everything that’s going on in my head, As words aren’t enough, To explain even a little bit, But I wish...

Jul 22, 2020
I want to wave at the airplane, Flying right above me, Hoping someone would be looking, At me through the clouds, As the city lights...

Jul 13, 2020
All The Time
I miss you, Like my heart misses a beat, it thinks about you. All the time, I watch the sun set. All the time, I read my favourite book....

Jun 22, 2020
I’ve been fighting with myself, Over you all day, Until my words were melted, In sun’s rays. With almost giving up, On the sanity of my...

Jun 16, 2020
You’ve Been Gone
Seconds, minutes and hours pass by, In darkness and solitude, I sing by. The tunes which my heart remembers, For you and me, The mind...

Jun 12, 2020
My soul is restless, To be the best, Do the best, Achieve the best, So, when it comes to terms, With the conditions Universe has, It...