
Feb 15, 2019
Just like that, You feel okay, When you wake up one morning. The light through the window, Doesn’t bother you, But, makes you smile....

Feb 14, 2019
5 days
It’s been 5 days I’ve been feeling this. The emptiness within me. It’s been 5 long days, Yet, I don’t know why. It’s been 5 hard days,...

Feb 11, 2019
Lighting up the world and how! Smiling through the chaos much wow, Sailing through thousands of thoughts somehow. It feels as if the...

Jan 28, 2019
Unbelievable People
How do people make mistakes and then sleep over them to act as if they didn’t do anything wrong? 1. How do they sleep after putting...

Jan 27, 2019
Let It Out
One day, you will be tired of holding all the sadness in the cavity of your rib cage. One day, you will let it all out unknowingly in the...

Sep 30, 2018
You don’t realize how fast one bad day turns to become one bad week, one bad month and one bad year until you’re reading a book which...

Sep 18, 2018
Now and Then
Every now and then, I carry this weight on me, Heavier than the last time, Lighter, it makes me feel And everytime, It comes back, With...

Sep 11, 2018
Recurrent Thoughts
I often don’t know, How I’m going to get past, Through the big day ahead, And it just goes by, Waving a hand in my face, Saying goodbye....

Sep 7, 2018
Painful Optimism
Staying optimistic all the time is painful. The optimistic keeps hoping for something good to happen; in that hopefulness of something...

Aug 22, 2018
My Heart & The Thread
There’s a thread inside me, Holding all my heart’s pieces, From falling apart, All over the place. There’s a knot in the thread, Getting...

Aug 19, 2018
My Blue Blanket
My favourite blanket is blue is colour. The colour which most people might associate with anxiety. It has fishes on it. Some might feel...

Jul 27, 2018
Falling & Flying
We fall because we expect someone to hold us. We fall because we are tired of standing up for ourselves alone. We fall because we want to...