Dec 30, 2016
Moving Day
I was up with a feeling of some strange feeling for today. Not certainly for today, but the date 30th December, 2016. Why, I didn’t know...
Dec 14, 2016
If I have to describe today in just a single word, I will scream at the top of my lungs, WEIRD! and then break out in an unending...
Nov 5, 2016
Weird day.
I had an awesome plan for a perfect Saturday. I had it planned since 2 weeks. How did it go? Well, my dad put off my alarm and didn’t...

Sep 17, 2016
Surprises and Unexpectedness.
The moment I got up I knew that today is not going to be a normal day. It is going to be different in some or the other sense. As the day...
Aug 11, 2016
Why did I start blogging?
“Write every day. Don’t worry about it being crap, WRITE it anyway.” Forest L. This quotation is so inspirational, isn’t it? This was...
Aug 10, 2016
Bucket of Patience.
I must admit that I was a really short-tempered person some 6 years back. I don’t disagree that I don’t get angry now, but the rate a...
Aug 9, 2016
That’s so demotivating.
This is another day when I’m not having anything to write on. Well, it is not that I don’t have anything to write on, I can think of...
Aug 7, 2016
Forget it?
Why do people always say, ‘Forget It’, ‘Forget That Time’, ‘Forget This…Forget That’? Why should you forget anything? The time you spent...
Aug 3, 2016
Didn’t I say yesterday that don’t keep any expectations and you’ll be surprised with all the things life throws at you? Well, this...
Aug 2, 2016
Nothing to write.
Well, today is one of the days when I have nothing to write. I was thinking since morning about what to write tonight for the blog but,...
Aug 1, 2016
I jumped off the train!
Caution: Do not attempt this act. It could cause you harm. No, it’s not a suicide! It is raining incessantly in Mumbai since last few...
Jul 30, 2016
Worst Day of the Week, Maybe?
Saturday is thew most worthless day for me of the week and today was no different. Firstly, my lecture of 8 am got cancelled and due to...