
Aug 2, 2018
Baader Meinhof Phenomenon
The name of the local band, Whose song is stuck in your head, Pops up unknowingly at random places. Information about the place you’re...

Apr 21, 2018
Conflicted Mind
It’s a conflicting mind, mine. Unfocused, confused and opinionated. What it wants it doesn’t know. What it needs, it’s confused about....

Mar 11, 2018
Light Years
All I could do was to stare at the stars, Twinkling some light years away, Wondering why I couldn’t sleep. Silence prevailed, Not that I...

Jan 31, 2018
Super Moon
There must be some magic, In the beauty of the moon, As everyone falls for it, Every time they take a glance at it. #writing #moonpoetry...

Jan 8, 2018
Safe Haven
Then I looked at you, Standing amidst the crowd, In the heavy downpour, Drenching wet to the bone, And people running across from you,...