
Dec 23, 2017
Break until you cannot be broken anymore. Break until it stops hurting you. Break until each broken part is stronger that it cannot be...

Nov 8, 2017
Holding Grudges
I’ll remember what you had said few years back about my choices and how I’ll fail. I’ll remember how you made fun of me behind my back...

Nov 5, 2017
Analyzing a little too deep helps. Helps to keep the light, always ready to fly mind keep itself firm on the ground and not dive into...

Nov 4, 2017
The way you react makes a massive difference in any situation. If you want to go all guns blazing then load up the riffle and just...

Oct 24, 2017
Why Not
I want to look at you while you catch butterflies and fireflies because I love the way your forehead wrinkles while you concentrate to...

Oct 21, 2017
Do you worry? I guess you do. About one thing or hundreds each day, all day long. I worry too. I don’t know about what. But, I do; each...

Oct 20, 2017
I don’t know from where it comes to dwell in the pit of my gut, wanting to rule me every day, every hour. But, it doesn’t know that...