
Feb 27, 2018
We all fall down
You stand strong, Holding all the weight, You fall down, With one small trait, Of being good, So good it hurts, Becoming bad, Is just too...

Feb 26, 2018
Good Monday Morning
A certain Monday morning, A good one, Can you believe? A good Monday morning, It’s not hard to believe, If you see cheerful smiles...

Feb 25, 2018
I wonder how hard it is for people to answer a simple question without creating a messed up situation for no reason at all. Can’t they...

Feb 24, 2018
I didn’t realize then, when a certain thing happened opposite to my wish that it had happened for a good reason. I sulked and didn’t...

Feb 22, 2018
So many things to say, So little time to hear, So many people mutter, So many just want a chance to say, Things buried deep down the...

Feb 21, 2018
The moment she arrived, On my porch, With a smile fixed, On such a worried yet pretty face, The humidity in the began to fade away,...

Feb 20, 2018
Under Construction
The gravelled road, The bumpy path, Boulders here, Detours apart. Quicksand somewhere, No entry, depart. Bump, on a bump on a bump ahead,...

Feb 19, 2018
Feeling Too Much
At times you feel something so strongly that you start wondering of you are actually feeling it or not. You start judging yourself in the...

Feb 18, 2018
The Coming Storm
How do you just wait, wait, wait, For the storm to come and break, break, break, Into pieces tiny, The faith, faith faith. Build a fort...

Feb 17, 2018
Deal Done
I’m done dealing with people who don’t have guts to agree to disagree. I’m done dealing with people who have too much of ego filled in...

Feb 15, 2018
How the word upset has a combination of two positive words and yet means something which is totally disheartening and broken! Today’s...

Feb 12, 2018
Out of The Blue (Not)
If I were to remember today, which I won’t probably, then I would remember it as the most normal day ever. Nothing, I repeat, nothing...