
Dec 26, 2017
Confusing Writer’s Block
I just don’t know now what to and what not, It’s too complicated, For everything to sort, If I learn the rules of how to play the game,...

Dec 3, 2017
It All Comes Back
You don’t realize, Do you? That it all comes back to me, Even if you don’t want it to. Or do you even know that, It comes back to me,...

Nov 15, 2017
I wonder, deeply, thoroughly, with all the senses active, what will happen if people agree to others opinions respectfully for once and...

Nov 12, 2017
Today I’ll blame another poet like me for writing all the songs we heard together. I’ll blame him for penning down the magical moments we...

Nov 11, 2017
You’ll be questioned for any decision you take by people who judge your fathomable righteousness. You’ll be questioned for your logic by...

Nov 8, 2017
Holding Grudges
I’ll remember what you had said few years back about my choices and how I’ll fail. I’ll remember how you made fun of me behind my back...

Nov 5, 2017
Analyzing a little too deep helps. Helps to keep the light, always ready to fly mind keep itself firm on the ground and not dive into...

Nov 4, 2017
The way you react makes a massive difference in any situation. If you want to go all guns blazing then load up the riffle and just...

Oct 29, 2017
Bokeh’d Moonset
I like seeing the moon set behind the hill which is in front of my bedroom window. I love looking at the lights which decorate the hill...

Oct 22, 2017
The Grapes are Sour
There’s a famous story for kids which I’m sure we all must have heard during our childhood numerous times; the story of Fox and the...

Oct 19, 2017
World’s Apart
That almost stunned me, the person sitting on the bench looking at the sun set in the ocean. The thing which stunned me was not the...

Oct 18, 2017
Lilliputs in my Head
My head hurts. It feels like some Lilliputians are hammering my head from within for an escape from the scattered and redundant thoughts....