
Jan 28, 2018
I’ve taken your name so many times that it has become a ritual you follow to impress Gods. Albeit, Gods can be impressed, not you. —...

Jan 26, 2018
Alive Than Ever
It feels empowering, Wild and free, To stay under the stars, Walk endlessly under the moon; To reach a place peaceful, In your mind, soul...

Jan 25, 2018
Moment Of The Day
Some conversations happen, When you least expect them to, Bringing out the best in you, Because you don’t pretend to be someone that’s...

Jan 24, 2018
That Someone
Do you miss someone so bad that you see them every where you look? Someone at the station waiting for the train to come, dressed up in...

Jan 23, 2018
Time, At Times
Does the time, At times, Goes slow deliberately, When you wait, For something to begin or end? Does the time, At times, Goes fast...

Jan 22, 2018
Steps Away
Did I only listen to the silence, Or it was actually silent enough, For everyone to hear, The beats of my heart, Thumping in the cage of...

Jan 20, 2018
Hearts Apart
Small things often take maximum space in my heart, Not allowing me to make space for something else more important, The question why is...

Jan 17, 2018
17th January, 2018
It’s been a day in which all my energy, hope and willingness was being sucked from me just like the dementors sucked the soul out of a...

Jan 16, 2018
When I wore grey this morning, My mother asked me why, I just looked at the sky, It was no different than what I wore. The sky being dull...

Jan 12, 2018
The moment felt like a closure, Only that it wasn’t, Turned out a circle, Another year long. The last circle, Made a tangent, Touching a...

Jan 11, 2018
The beats, The rhythm, The boost, The rhyme, The steps, The hops, The smiles, The heart, Synchronized, To either create a disaster, Or...

Jan 9, 2018
Kind Stare
I’ve written poems, Too many maybe, Or too less, I cannot decide, For people who don’t know me, Or lesser they care. I wonder if they...