
Oct 18, 2017
Lilliputs in my Head
My head hurts. It feels like some Lilliputians are hammering my head from within for an escape from the scattered and redundant thoughts....

Oct 17, 2017
Unreal Imaginations
It’s almost impossible to not think of crossing paths with you again. Hoping to see you while climbing down the stairs of the bridge...

Oct 16, 2017
A Better Picture
And we promised to click a better picture, Of standing us aside, Should we just go for it, Or let the universe decide? Seems like the...

Oct 15, 2017
Non-judgemental Happiness
There are somethings which make you so intensely happy and there would be no one to understand your level of happiness. People will...

Oct 14, 2017
I write
I write because I don’t want to forget the minutest details of what you said, how you looked, who were around us, the butterflies in my...
Oct 13, 2017
Magical words
Sometimes all you can do is, stare at the black screen or a blank piece of paper and wish for the words and ideas to magically appear....

Oct 12, 2017
Without You
Back here again, This time, Without you. In between memories, Of lovely times, This time, Without you. Looking at the walls and corners,...

Oct 11, 2017
Poem 11/10/17
In a world full of people millions, Contact lists full with names, Do have one who will listen to you, When you’re in pain? #writing...

Oct 10, 2017
Everyone is speaking their mind, blabbering, ranting, complaining, excusing themselves from the harshness of the world. Imagine a person...

Oct 8, 2017
The beep beep beep noise of the rickshaw turning blasts in my ears along with the honking of the various vehicles on the road. It sounds...

Oct 6, 2017
How Are You? 2
Today when someone asks me how am I, I don’t know what to answer. I don’t know at that times how I’m actually feeling. Whether what I’m...

Oct 5, 2017
It’s been a long, tiring and interesting day today. I’ve shot/been a part of 2 videos for class assignments even though I’m very camera...