
Nov 6, 2017
Peaceful People
The people who don’t hesitate to say some of the most important details to you are the ones you should keep close to your heart. These...

Nov 3, 2017
In the past one year, I’ve come across people who have agitated me incredibly by doing or saying miniscule things. I’ve become extremely...

Nov 2, 2017
I’ve been reading too many poems written by poets who are heartbroken in love. Each poem I read I’d either too sad for me or too...

Nov 1, 2017
3 People
Let me tell you about 3 people I don’t like and why. I don’t like her because she speaks with pursed lips. She might be thinking that it...

Oct 31, 2017
Another Unsent Letter
All I want to do sometimes is type down everything and sending it to you. The way I saw you looking at me, the way you silently started...

Oct 30, 2017
Mornings like these
I like how the season changes from hot mornings with barely no clouds in the sky to cool mornings and the skies overcast. The feeling to...

Oct 29, 2017
Bokeh’d Moonset
I like seeing the moon set behind the hill which is in front of my bedroom window. I love looking at the lights which decorate the hill...

Oct 28, 2017
Save Yourself
Sometimes the people whom you save aren’t worth saving. Sometimes you’ve to let them drown in their ocean of guilts and regrets. You’ve...

Oct 26, 2017
zhoooop.. The train on the opposite sides passes like a bolt of lightning and waking me up from the train of my own thoughts at the end...

Oct 24, 2017
Why Not
I want to look at you while you catch butterflies and fireflies because I love the way your forehead wrinkles while you concentrate to...

Oct 21, 2017
Do you worry? I guess you do. About one thing or hundreds each day, all day long. I worry too. I don’t know about what. But, I do; each...

Oct 20, 2017
I don’t know from where it comes to dwell in the pit of my gut, wanting to rule me every day, every hour. But, it doesn’t know that...