Jul 26, 2016
We all are such vivid characters in our lives and all of us want to create a story of our own which should be the best-selling novel of...
Jul 25, 2016
the language you use, with the harshness of your words, my eyes well up, and the tears flow. each time the situation is no different, ...
Jul 25, 2016
Just a good day.
I’d thought that I might be seeing everyone with their phones today while travelling in the train today, but to my surprise, people were...
Jul 23, 2016
World of Dreams.
I was such person who could create a world of her own by day-dreaming for the whole day. But, soon enough, I realised that day-dreaming...
Jul 22, 2016
I wrote a story for a contest organized by Terribly Tiny Tales yesterday. The result of the contest came out today and my story didn’t...

Jul 19, 2016
I was reading ‘Letters to the Dead’ book in train today. I’ve just started reading it and the poem above is a part of it. I cannot tell...
Jul 18, 2016
I’d been feeling paranoid since morning wondering about whether I’m forgetting something or I’ll be doing something wrong in the day. ...
Jul 17, 2016
From the archives.
I bite my tongue to control it from saying something I mean so much. I bite it so hard that my mouth turns red with blood. The taste of...

Jul 16, 2016
Listen to me when I’m all tired, Listen to those stories good and bad. Listen to me when I’m happy, Listen to my lore of the day....
Jul 15, 2016
“I forgot the words I wanted to speak, When I saw you walking on the street.” — “Muttering idiot under her breath, She cursed the...

Jul 13, 2016
She feared the dark but loved the stars, Catching the stardust in her heart, Sitting by the window at late hours, She could feel the...

Jul 10, 2016
The Perfect Day.
“Do you think there’s such a thing as a perfect day?” “What?” “A perfect day. Start to finish. Where nothing terrible or sad happens. Do...