Aug 7, 2016
Forget it?
Why do people always say, ‘Forget It’, ‘Forget That Time’, ‘Forget This…Forget That’? Why should you forget anything? The time you spent...
Aug 6, 2016
0 Words Typed.
0 words typed. The cursor is blinking on my white, blank screen since the last 30 minutes and I couldn’t type out anything for today....
Aug 5, 2016
Amidst of.
Amidst the chaos of the universe, she dreams of a peaceful day with the wind blowing in her hair and her mind free of worries. Amidst...
Aug 4, 2016
When was the last time you laughed?
When was the last time you had a real proper laugh where you try not to laugh but you cannot stop yourself from laughing. When your eyes...
Aug 3, 2016
Didn’t I say yesterday that don’t keep any expectations and you’ll be surprised with all the things life throws at you? Well, this...
Aug 2, 2016
Nothing to write.
Well, today is one of the days when I have nothing to write. I was thinking since morning about what to write tonight for the blog but,...
Aug 1, 2016
I jumped off the train!
Caution: Do not attempt this act. It could cause you harm. No, it’s not a suicide! It is raining incessantly in Mumbai since last few...
Jul 31, 2016
No, they won’t do that. No, why would they? No, I don’t understand. No, They did it. No, I can’t believe. No, is that true? No,...
Jul 30, 2016
Worst Day of the Week, Maybe?
Saturday is thew most worthless day for me of the week and today was no different. Firstly, my lecture of 8 am got cancelled and due to...
Jul 29, 2016
Absence​ to Value Presence.
When you are a writer, you never know when a good line or story can come in your head. In that one moment, you just want it to note down...
Jul 28, 2016
Care Less.
Caring, according to me is one of the most beautiful words in the English language. Care (verb) means to feel concerned or interested or...
Jul 27, 2016
Laughing Out Loud.
This incident occurred yesterday when I was waiting for the elevator in college. Firstly, my college has 4 elevators out of which only 2...