Aug 20, 2016
2 done, 3 to go.
2 exams done, 3 to go. Hush, there is so much releif in typing this! I don’t know why but I feel so damn sleepy during exam days. Damn, I...
Aug 19, 2016
Tough without her.
I’ve got an exam tomorrow and honestly speaking I’ve not studied really. The incoming and outgoing of guests at my place didn’t give me...

Aug 18, 2016
Still, I see the faint outlines, Standing at that place, Sitting somewhere, Walking down the lane. Still, I hear the faint whispers, Of...
Aug 17, 2016
Remember in school where we were taught about good habits and bad? How long it has been since we learnt them? But, we do remember all of...
Aug 16, 2016
The clouds of examination.
Do you know that I’ve my college examinations in next 4 days? (Direct Address Lead: well, its a type of lead- lead is part of my...
Aug 14, 2016
That One Thing.
Isn’t that one thing really amazing which can make you smile instantly and take away al your sadness and worries of the day? I bet, it is...
Aug 13, 2016
In your subconscious.
What is that one thing which doesn’t let you sleep in the dark hours of the night? Which is the one thing which comes to your mind when...
Aug 12, 2016
The ray of light.
The sky is filled with the heaviness of the water filled dark grey clouds which are just on the verge of bursting and drenching the whole...
Aug 11, 2016
Why did I start blogging?
“Write every day. Don’t worry about it being crap, WRITE it anyway.” Forest L. This quotation is so inspirational, isn’t it? This was...
Aug 10, 2016
Bucket of Patience.
I must admit that I was a really short-tempered person some 6 years back. I don’t disagree that I don’t get angry now, but the rate a...
Aug 9, 2016
That’s so demotivating.
This is another day when I’m not having anything to write on. Well, it is not that I don’t have anything to write on, I can think of...
Aug 8, 2016
The sea of grass.
I sail on the sea of grass, To wander and get lost, and swim through the forest of thoughts, To breathe in the spark. The stars...