
Apr 24, 2017
Efforts Matter
It is a matter of pride to be among people who have the ability to inspire you in unlimited ways. It is a matter of achievement to get...

Apr 23, 2017
Everything has a tendency to change from good to bad, calm to angry, discussion to argument, opinion to biasness, dreams to reality....

Apr 22, 2017
Summery MonsoonÂ
So, I waited and looked around, The sun was over the head and the shadows were under the feet, Everyone had shades to protect their eyes,...
Apr 21, 2017
Never Give Up
There will always be a set of people who will be ever ready to mock you, your art, your talent, your skills, your hard work, your...

Apr 20, 2017
The Voice
The inner voice, Keeps on speaking to me all day, Complaining about things, Creating doubts about myself, Questioning why I’m doing a...

Apr 19, 2017
Rise From Ashes
When you see me, Sitting silently, It’s only the outside which looks calm. The fire of the thoughts in my head burn like wild fire....

Apr 14, 2017
Thorns as Roses
You cannot always love yourself. Sometimes you need someone who also feels that you’re lovable. It’s not always that you’ll be strong to...

Apr 13, 2017
The mind is pacing faster than the music it is hearing, The eyes scamming algorithms unknown to the mind, How tough it is to stare into...

Apr 12, 2017
World On A LootÂ
Pick up yourself, From where you left last night, Just keep going, Everything be in the sight. It’s all about walking, One step after...

Apr 11, 2017
Just Philosophical
It’s destiny being generous to you when certain things happen when you least expect​ them to happen. But, it doesn’t give you the whole...

Apr 10, 2017
Weirdly SoÂ
Weirdly so, I’m smiling, As I listen, To old tunes, Which bring the memories back. It takes too much, To be sad, And is easy, To feel...

Apr 9, 2017
If we could find a way back, I would be the one running back to you. If we could have held hands, I would have never lost you. If we...